Mt Richmond (Otahuhu)

LATEST NEWS c15 September 2021: Consent has been granted for the destruction of hundreds of trees on Otahuhu.

LUC60384274 Duty Commissioner Decision Otahuhu FINAL

Latest versions of reports in support of the application (downloaded from the link provided by Auckland Council officer on 20 September 2021). These documents are public records and offered here as a public service. Any problems, please contact us using the comment form.

AEE Otahuhu Revegetation Works Rev 1

Appendix 2 Rules Table Otahuhu Revegetation

Appendix 3 Tree Removal Methodology

Appendix 5 Ecological assessment

Appendix 6 HIA (Heritage Impact Assessment)

Appendix 7 Acoustic Aassessment (sic)

Appendix 8 Ecological Assessment

5 March 2021:

Additional information received, with thanks, from Auckland Council. But still no record of the actual consent decision. Note that they intend to destroy 26 Morton Bay Fig trees. They’re relying on remaining trees to hide the stumps. They’re taking out so much, it’s going to take them 69 days.

LUC60344578 Applicant Further Information Response

S 92 LUC60344578 response II

Geotechnical report prepared July 2020 by Fraser Geologics.

It says the playing field is “… considered highly suitable for future redevelopment uses, particularly those that might require asphalt surfaces such as netball courts or artificial turf surfaces such as hockey fields or similar. Such conditions are relatively rare for playing fields across Auckland City and would provide for considerable future cost savings if redevelopment is being considered.”

So why is TMA determined to stick plants all over it?

Richmond Domain Ground Conditions

(Published by permission of Shirley Waru, acknowledged with thanks.)

Documents obtained from a LGOIMA request:

AEE Otahuhu Revegetation Works 20190826

Appendix 1 Title

Appendix 2 Otahuhu Rules Table (1)

Appendix 3 LOA Auckland Council

Appendix 4 Tree Removal Method

Appendix 5 Planting Plan

Appendix 6 Draft Communications Plan

Appendix 7 HIA

Appendix 8 Acoustic Assessment

Appendix 9 Ecological Assessment

Appendix 9a Herpetologist Assessment

Appendix 10 LVA

Appendix 10a LVA attachment 2

Appendix 10a LVA attachment (large file)


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